Tino Ceberano is a Hawaiian born Filipino raised in the sugar plantation villages of Kauai. Surrounded by the martial arts from a young age, he selected Goju Kai karate-do in Honolulu as his chosen discipline. From the Hawaiian Islands to the dojos of Japan, his life story is a fascinating tale about the human spirit, daring to break barriers. You will never doubt your ability to do anything again after reading this tale.

The proverb “Nana korobi, ya oki” which means “Fall down seven times, stand up eight,” is close to Tino Hanshi’s heart. His first Senpai in Honolulu, Anton Navas Senpai, wiped the floor with young Tino during sparring, then told him this and he never forgot it.

It means choosing to never give up hope, and to always strive for more. It means that your focus isn’t on the reality in front of you, but on a greater vision that may not be reality yet.