
The audiobook version is now published. If you’d like to order one, leave your details below with a message. Postal orders are welcomed.

The audiobook will be sold at live events on a USB for $36.00. You can download it to your computer, phone, any other mobile device or listen to it directly from the USB, even in the car.. Your choice! It will also be available as a download for $32.00 so you can order from anywhere in the world. A payment link will be set up on this page at a later date. Listen to the introduction below!

There are several opportunities to meet with Tino Ceberano Hanshi this Sept in Melbourne. On Friday 27th Sept, the public holiday, we’ll host visitors during the morning who wish to catch up and purchase an audiobook. There will two events on Sunday 29th Sept at midday in Mornington and in the evening at Doncaster. Send a mesage below if you wish to be involved with any. Bulk orders for dojos can also be arranged by leaving a message below. Call Michael Black on 0413 042 540 with any questions.

    The audiobook will play on your phone, car players and PC. We can’t wait!
    Tino Ceberano Hanshi's biography in audio,
    Custom designed plastic business cards with fold out USB contains over 1G with the full audiobook biography of Tino Ceberano Hanshi,